Effortless peace + stress relief in a fast-paced, demanding modern world

Sound Immersion

Jen who plays the Gong

Why sound?

In an erratic, noisy and over-paced world packed full of stress, intentional sound with coherent frequency effortlessly gives reprieve to the mind, emotions and soul.

As living beings on this planet, we are meant to live in a parasympathetic, or rest and digest state first, then respond with fight-or-flight to situations of stress such as work meetings or fighting a tiger. Our brain doesn’t know the difference. Intentional sound immersion for wellness invites effortless pause to the monkey mind and in its place affords calm, peace and ease.

Incorporating monthly private and/or public sound immersion is a simple step towards optimizing wellness for your whole being.

Private sound immersion

For monthly routine wellness and transformative, individualized weekly programming.

“After a session with you I feel completely connected to the Universe with the clearest mindset for my life purpose.”

Robin, routine receiver of private sound immersion

Private soundbath party

For special occasions, friend/family bonding and beyond.

“I just wanted to say again that was so wonderful and we all enjoyed it so much!! Everyone took your cards, I’m sure you’ll be hearing from multiple of us. I slept like a rock!”

Susie, private soundbath party recipient with her family

Corporate employee wellness

For supporting your staff.

“Thank you for introducing our nursing staff to a wonderful self-care experience! The sound immersion offered our health care colleagues an opportunity to gain much needed peace and relaxation.

Barbara, Director of Patient Care Services at Cedar Crest