Introducing White Wave Restorations

…Your Holistic Headquarters for Constructive Rest and Nervous System Rebalancing.

The exciting piece of this expansion is that it was virtually entirely planted by seeds from spirit and watered by waves of my subconscious.  Every bit of the name and shift is entirely meaningful and organic.

The following series of events occurred at seemingly random, spaced apart and distinctly separate moments:

It dawned on me one night how every modality I facilitate enhances and supports the free-flowing mobilization of fluid systems within the body.  Cymatics (whose prefix is connected with the Greek word “kŷma” meaning “wave”) with sound and vibrational attunements; release and replenishment of synovial fluids around the joints in yin yoga; the discovery of the craniosacral rhythmic wave or tide within craniosacral therapy… All connected with promoting an easeful flow.

Beginning with water, I am innately drawn to water.  It is an integral source of life and we each carry a unique relationship to the flow.  As being a 1st degree (meaning very) Pisces (zodiac water sign of the fish) sun, I so deeply connect with water submersion and immersion, all year through.

I received an insight during silent Quaker meeting for worship that with love, there is life.  Without love, there can be no life.  With water, there is life.  Without water, there is no life.  Love is water is spirit is life.  Spirit stems from Latin and means breathe.  Love is Spirit is Water is Life.

During a 4am fit of curiosity, I researched the definitions of each of my birth-given names and was met with the remembrance that the Old Irish (my heritage) definition for Jennifer is “White Wave”.

White holds significance in the immediate recognition of purity.  Pure intention, purification, pure connection.  It is essential and crucial for deeper levels of trust, transformation and release to occur within the individual receiving any treatment.

Wave symbolizes a multitude of facets within my services ranging from obvious to obscure.  Sound waves, vibration, waves of consciousness, the tide of the nervous system assessed in craniosacral therapy.  Plus connecting macrocosmically to the ocean, which further connects to lunar cycles and tides, the feminine, yin of the yin/yang symbol and rest/digest in the nervous system.

Restorations is simply a succinct and clear nod to the achievement and purpose of these modalities.

A nugget of conversation with a dear friend spurred a catalyst around marketing my services as a nervous system rebalancing kit, with that kit containing sound immersion, craniosacral therapy and stillness-oriented yoga practices through private sessions and restorative wellness retreats..  Those specific words didn’t fit and felt clunky and I promptly forgot this piece of our engaging conversation until the tagline naturally flowed into my awareness: “Your Holistic Headquarters for constructive rest and nervous system rebalancing”. Again, a lucid awareness of what is intended.

As for the logo, the triple spiral or triskelion, is connected, once again, through whimsical and mystical means.  When I went to Ireland at the end of 2023, one of the regular students (and one of my dear friends) at the yoga studio where I teach regularly told me about Newgrange.  She had a certain look in her eye that made it feel dreamily imperative that I visited there.  So I spent over $100 on a one-way Uber ride from Dublin because the public transportation was profoundly unclear (only to be met on the way home with a free bus ride because their ticketing system was magically down).  The visit was life-changing and, unknowingly, the beginning of this journey as White Wave Restorations.  I didn’t know up until recently why it was so important I visit but now it feels undeniably clear with the symbols edged out front of this pre-historic Neolithic tomb.  The logo contains evidence of the 3 main “limbs” of my services; spirals connecting with the shape of waves; the proto-Celtic connection of which I am a descendant, as is my name, Jennifer.; and, the spirit-led journey of a hopelessly faithful and trusting servant for the highest good.  The spirals in actuality symbolize sky, land and sea from within and without; life, death, rebirth; etc. etc. and are a nod to our elemental existence as well as our alchemical humanness; something of integral importance, without possibility of escaping.

And so this rebranding is brought to you by, as only could ever be: Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.  Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.


Jen has been delving in the healing arts for well over a decade. In both the nursing and yoga fields for over 10 years, she is versed on both sides of the proverbial caring coin. Sound has magnified her reality and aligned her connection through body, mind and soul to Spirit. It is this reason she shares Sound for a living, to give this opportunity for all who are open to harness it. Her offerings are all centered around soothing the soul and each soundbath is intuitive and true to the moment.

She is an avid explorer of the inner psyche and Spirit worlds as well as international countries (she has traveled far and wide and many times solo). A pisces at heart, her choice all-year-round activity is water submersion.

What is Constructive Rest?


Tips to support your first or routine group soundbath experience